Buenas Tardes, Amigos!
"Owen, what do you think about scorpions?" Ann asked me that question shortly after arriving at our guest house in Santa Bárbara, Honduras. As it turns out, she was not posing idle questions; there was a scorpion in her bathroom sink. Thankfully, none of us were bitten by a scorpion but all of us were smitten with the "love bug."
Our team this trip totaled only 4 people but we still carried on with all of our planned activities and had a great time. We also had a lot of volunteer help!
We invited the younger children over for supper one evening and the older teens another night. They came for an hour of games, masterminded by Marbella, before eating. It's amazing what plans Marbella can hatch with a piece of chalk! Supper was followed by a time of worship, a biblical story and crafts. Thanks to the generosity of many, every child also received something from the "gift table." Most likely, their "Christmas in July" was more substantial (in terms of receiving gifts/necessities) than their December celebration. I don't mean that we had a ton of things to give each child. I'm implying that they receive so little at Christmas.
Other activities included (now the expected norm for these trips) swimming at the water park, playing soccer, pancake breakfast, a pizza supper for everyone on our last night, reading to the younger children and just hanging out.
Lastly, we have taken a step forward with the imaging clinic, Clínic Esperanza, by populating a board of directors with trusted folks and hiring a lawyer! We had a fruitful meeting last week.
Thank you again for your love and support for this mission in Honduras! Our next trip will be October 20-27. A medical team (La Brigada) will be a part of the October trip but we still will spend as much time as possible with the kiddos. If you are interested in joining us, just let me know. But beware, you too could be bitten by the love bug!
Blessings, Owen